July 12 2024
Sudmant lab represents at SMBE 2024- Congratulations to Samvardhini, Joana, and Nicolas on great talks and to Manny and Stacy on excellent poster presentations!
July 1 2024
Congrats to Manny on being awarded an NIH K99 Career Transition award!!
June 1 2024
Welcome to our newest lab members, grad student Michael Singer, postdoc Scott Ferguson, and staff scientist Caitlin Connelly!
Mar 14 2024
Lab hike up Mt. Diablo!
Feb 15 2024
Isabel's paper is published in Nature E&E! Congrats Isabel!
Jan 2 2024
2024/01/02 Sudmant Lab in the news! Happy New Year! Aging research comes of age
November 11 2023
2023/11/15 Manny is selected to present at the NextGen Symposium! - CONGRATULATIONS MANNY!
September 1 2023
2023/09/01 Congratulations Stacy and Manny on their review published in TIGS!
June 1 2023
2023/06/01 Congratulations Samvardhini on being awarded a Leakey Foundation grant!
June 1 2023
2023/06/01 Congratulations Isabel on being awarded a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship!
May 9-13 2023
Sudmant Lab represents at BoG 2023! Congrats on a great talk from Joana and cool posters from all!
March 9 2023
2023/03/09 Isabel's paper is up on BioRxiv!
October 3 2022
Ryo and Ryan's paper is published in Nature Communications!
September 5 2022
The Sudmant lab joins the 2022 Vallee Scholars!
September 2 2022
Welcome Postdoc Nicolas Lou!
July 11 2022
Lab Hike!
May 1 2022
Welcome Graduate Student Johnathan Lo!
April 3 2022
Congratulations to Stacy on recieving the Outstanding GSI AWARD!
April 3 2022
Congratulations to Fran on recieving an Honorable Mention from FORD Foundation!
April 3 2022
Congratulations to Sam on recieving an Honorable Mention from the NSF!
November 11 2021

Congrats to Rohit, Greg, and Manny for getting the cover of Science! See perspective Long-lived fish in a big pond, Science cover, in Nature, Berkeley news and in the media

October 21 2021
Congrats to Isabel for recieving a poster prize at the CCB retreat!!!
September 9 2021
New Lab Photo!
Sept 1 2021
Wecome Postdoc Joana Rocha to the lab!
August 15 2021
Fran & Peter promote sustainable commuting!
July 1 2021
The Sudmant Lab is awarded an R35 Award!
May 30 2021
Samvardhini Sridharan joins the lab as a graduate student! Welcome Samvardhini!
March 31 2021
Manny is awarded an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship! CONGRATULATIONS MANNY!
March 1 2021
Congratulations Ryo and Alma for getting into Graduate School!
January 29 2021
Welcome Graduate Student Stacy Li to the lab!
September 1 2020
Congratulations Greg on your new faculty position at the University of Victoria!!
August 15 2020
The Sudmant lab has been awarded a California Conservation Genomics Award to study Boccaccio Rockfish!
August 10 2020
Welcome Graduate Student Francisca Catalan!
July 1 2020
Peter is awarded a Hellman Foundation Fellowship for Junior Faculty
July 1 2020
Welcome Postdoc Manny Vazquez!
June 2 2020
Incoming postdoc Manny Vazquez featured in Nature!
April 1 2020
Welcome Postdoc Greg Owens!
March 31 2020
Isabal is awarded an NSF GRFP Fellowship! CONGRATULATIONS ISABEL!
December 5 2019
Rohit presents at BAAM! Great job Rohit!
October 25 2019
Isabel wins a poster award at the CCB retreat! Congrats Isabel!
September 7 2019
Lab BBQ!
September 1 2019
Huanjie officially joins the lab as a postdoctoral researcher! Welcome Huanjie!
August 9 2019
Joint Lab Picnic with the Moorjani Lab!
July 1 2019
Peter is awarded a Glenn Foundation for Medical Research and AFAR Grant for Junior Faculty
June 24 2019
Rohit presents at the Evolution meeting in Rhode Island
June 3 2019
Welcome Swetha! Swetha joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher for the summer
May 10 2019
Alexander musters a real crew to collect rockfish specimens!
April 30 2019
Becca and Peter receive Berkeley Collegium grant to fund a new undergradate genomics class!
April 26 2019
Isabel joins the lab as a CCB Graduate student! Welcome Isabel!
April 17 2019
Alma is awarded a SURF Rose Hills Fellowship to continue her research over the summer!
April 5 2019
Lab Lunch at Vik's
March 26 2019
Expedition to the Farallon Islands
January 18 2019
Welcome Rohit! Rohit becomes the first postdoc to join the Sudmant Lab!
January 15 2019
Welcome Ryo! Ryo joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher
Dec 17 2018
Lab Lunch at Ippudo Ramen!
November 27 2018
Paper on 3' UTR ribosomes in aging neurons is published in Cell Reports

Sudmant PH, Lee H, Dominguez D, Heiman M, Burge CB. Widespread accumulation of ribosome-isolated 3' UTRs in specific neuronal cell of the aging brain. 2018. Cell reports - 30485811.Access the recommendation on F1000Prime

November 17 2018
Peter presents at the 17th Bay Area Aging Meeting (BAAM) at UCSF.
Sept 24 2018
Team rockfish Alexander, Rachel, and Megan brave the high seas!
October 10-14 2018
Peter presents at the 118th Titisee Cell heterogeneity & tissue architecture meeting in Germany.
Sept 24 2018
Sudmant Lab bags their first rockfish specimens! (all S. auriculatus)
Sept 1 2018
Welcome Josh, Alma, and Ben! The Sudmant Lab's first undergraduate researchers!
July 1 2018
First day of the Sudmant Lab at UC Berkeley!